These are two separate poems, which can be
read as one when you put them next
to each other. However, in order to make it work, I had to adjust one line.
Bathing In Moonlight (Villanelle)
By Munda
Full moon, your magic light shines
down on me,
Your silver spell a cherished
Illuminating beams; sweet mystery.
You bring my spirit utter ecstasy,
Delightful light of perfect harmony,
Full moon, your magic light shines
down on me.
You calm my storms till I feel
Your touch is like a lover’s hand on
Illuminating beams; sweet mystery.
Seductive flirt with my reality,
You chain my heart; bequeathing
Full moon, your magic light shines
down on me.
Alluring dreams into conspiracy
Of moon lit images illusory.
Illuminating beams; sweet mystery.
A silver frail note flutters
Enchanting melody; night’s symphony,
Full moon, your magic light shines
down on me,
Illuminating beams; sweet mystery.
Luna (Villanelle)
By Munda
Your firmaments compose the
Alike the Northern Light
enchanting me,
You are this poet’s utmost fantasy.
My Luna: temptress, waiting
Bereaving lonely hearts of
Your firmaments compose the
As stars sing me a nightly
Evoking images romantic’lly,
You are this poet’s utmost
A moonlit flight throughout
Restoring hope in love and
Your firmaments compose the
While lovers fall into your
Creating visions of false
You are this poet’s utmost
Alike a whisper from infinity,
Enticement into sweet serenity,
Your firmaments compose the
You are this poet’s utmost
Bathing in Moonlight/Luna - Double Villanelle
By Munda
Full moon, your magic light shines down on me, -- Your firmaments
compose the poetry,
Your silver spell a cherished memory, -- Alike the Northern
Light enchanting me,
Illuminating beams; sweet mystery, -- You are this poet’s
utmost fantasy.
You bring my spirit utter ecstasy, -- My Luna: temptress,
waiting patiently,
Delightful light of perfect harmony, -- Bereaving lonely
hearts of sanity,
Full moon, your magic light shines down on me, -- Your firmaments
compose the poetry.
You calm my storms till I feel heavenly, -- As stars sing me a
nightly symphony,
Your touch is like a lover’s hand on me -- Evoking images
Illuminating beams; sweet mystery, -- You are this poet’s
utmost fantasy.
Seductive flirt with my reality, -- A moonlit flight
throughout felicity,
You chain my heart; bequeathing liberty, -- Restoring hope in
love and honesty,
Full moon, your magic light shines down on me, -- Your firmaments
compose the poetry.
Alluring dreams into conspiracy, -- While lovers fall
into your lunacy,
Of moon lit images illusory, -- Creating visions of false destiny,
Illuminating beams; sweet mystery, -- You are this poet’s
utmost fantasy.
A silver frail note flutters playfully, -- Alike a whisper
from infinity,
And charms the stars into a melody, -- Enticement into
sweet serenity,
Full moon, your magic light shines down on me, -- Your firmaments
compose the poetry,
Illuminating beams; sweet mystery, -- You are this poet’s
utmost fantasy.
© Copyright Munda 2001
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